Monday, March 1, 2010

Monday Medals

Olympics is over - thank god, this is one situation where "the chase was better than the catch". Television will resume regular programming, radio stations will stop giving their opinions no one gives a shit about, and people will stop calling me to come watch the Canada vs. Randomcountry game like I enojy watching Hockey... All this is great but MOST importantly; people will stop sending me those f*&%ing chain texts that originated in some random place and say to pass it on - NO! You stupid shiteaters, NO; those "chain" messages were started by your service providers (i.e. Bell, Telus, and Rogers...fuck Wind, Solo, fido etc.).

Anyways, no more speak of Olympics on this blog - I forbid it. The Market... well only been open for a little over and hour and everybody is in the green (yes!), but that is probably because I support my own stocks! Purchased two pairs of Nike kicks over the weekend (peace out 4 yr old F1 where they comfortable) and in addition my boy Jay C supported by buying a minutemaid drink (owned by the one and only Coca Cola: KO) and so did all the manga-cakes at the bars last night - danke.

You know those Canada Goose jackets everyone is rocking now... you see them a lot, its one of those things that I just waited too long to get now everyone has one - especially Queen's Students (about 84% of the population), but thats the way it works over there: one person starts then slowly, it becomes the scene from that movie Inside Man - everyone looks the same. note for future: record fashion trends in Kingston and buy shares in increasing trends. No way in hell there would be a Lulu Lemon store in Kingston, if not for Queen's kids (shut up! I'm not praising you, you tit - get a real job and purchase something without your Dad's credit card, or start your shit business with a REAL bank loan, not Mom & Dad's money so you can see what life is really like - because you have no f#$%ing clue. Full Stop.)

Wow - I'm an angry person, but I like it. Anyways! My solution to wanting this jacket is similar to all my other glorious solutions - go euro with it. I've done this plenty of times, and either get replicated (never duplicated) or praised for it. So I found me a company that makes these Canada Goose coats look like Biway specials, enter Fjällräven. No link, no picture of the coat I'm getting - nothing. I've learned my lessons. Now, my fingers are hurting from typing on a Monday. My coffee is finished I'm going to roll up the rim and go for a dart. Peace! FUCK COMMERCE!

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